
Lista de Comandos de AutoCAD en Español e Ingles

AutoCAD es uno de los principales programas CAD disponibles en el mercado hoy en día. Ya sea que el diseño asistido por computadora sea parte de su vida como negocio o pasatiempo, es probable que clasifique este software en particular bastante alto (si no el mejor) en términos de sus capacidades de diseño.

¿Qué son los comandos de AutoCAD?

En la parte inferior de la pantalla de AutoCAD, encontrarás la linea de comandos.

Comandos de Generales

AutoCAD cuenta con una amplia variedad de comandos. Ya sea que esté realizando un diseño, dibujando un plano o produciendo modelos 3D, habrá comandos disponibles para facilitar el trabajo.

Acciones básicas

Es importante familiarizarse con las acciones básicas. Desde pegar hasta revisar la ortografía, aquí hay una selección de instrucciones comúnmente requeridas:

AUDIT Check and remove errors from your work
CLOSEALL Close all of the open windows in AutoCAD
CLOSEALLOTHER Close all open windows except for the one you are currently working on
CO/ COPY Copy objects or text
DI/ DISTANCE Find the distance between two point in a drawing
I/ INSERT Insert (existing block or drawing as a block)
LIST Access the properties of the different objects within a drawing
MATLIB Import or export materials from a library
MULTIPLE Repeat any command without having to press Enter each time (Press Esc key to cancel)
OOPS Restore the last object you deleted
OP/ OPTIONS Open the options window (contains the settings for AutoCAD)
PASTECLIP Paste copied objects from clipboard into your work
PREVIEW See how your work will be presented when printed
QSAVE Autosave the file you’re working on
RECOVERALL Recover and repair a corrupted or damaged drawing
RO/ ROTATE Rotate an object
SAVEALL Save all of the open drawings in AutoCAD
SP/ SPELL Perform spell check on selected text
ST/ DDSTYLE Open the text style window
TIME Access information such as the date you created a certain piece of work, or time spent editing a drawing


Para ahorrarse el tiempo de desplazarse por la biblioteca de herramientas podrá elegir alguno de estos comando y trabajar mas rápido:

A/ ARC Create an arc
AREA Find the area of closed or open shapes in a drawing
AR/ ARRAY Make a rectangle, polar or path array
B/ BLOCK Create a block
BCOUNT Count the number of blocks in your drawing
C/ CIRCLE Create a circle
DS/ DDOSNAP Open the Drafting Settings window
GROUP Group multiple objects into a single unit
HIDEOBJECTS Hide selected objects in a drawing
HIGHLIGHT Highlight a selected object in a drawing
ISOLATE Hide all objects in a drawing except the one you have selected
L/ LINE Create a simple line
MI/ MIRROR Produce a mirror copy of an object
MLINE Create multiple parallel lines
PL/ PLINE Make a polyline
PO/ POINT Create a single point within a drawing
POL/ POLYGON Produce a polygon (you select the number of sides, from 3 to 1024)
QSELECT Make a particular selection from your drawing according to applied filters, i.e – select all lines below a particular length
REC/ RECTANGLE Create a rectangle
SKETCH Draw a freehand sketch within a piece of work


Para poder trabajar con las propiedades y modificar sus diseños es necesario emplear los siguientes comandos:

BASE Alter the base point of a drawing without changing its origin
BREAK Create a break (or gaps) in objects at one or two points
BURST Explode a block but retain its attribute settings and layer definition
CHA/ CHAMFER Add slanted edges to sharp corners of objects
COPYBASE Copy an object according to a base point
DIVIDE Divide objects into multiple equal parts
F/ FILLET Add rounded corners to the sharp edges of objects
LA/ LAYERS Open the Layer Properties Manage Palette (which allows you to tweak the settings for layers)
MA/ MATCHPROPERTIES Copy the properties of one object onto another
MOCORO Move, copy, rotate and scale an object in one command
OVERKILL Remove overlapping or unnecessary objects from your work
PURGE Remove unused objects from a drawing
SC/ SCALE Change the scale of an object
SCALETEXT Change the scale of text
TEXTFIT Alter the size of a piece of text so that it fits into the required space
TEXTTOFRONT Bring annotations to the front
TORIENT Change the orientation of text
TR/ TRIM Trim a shape or line
UNITS Alter the unit settings of your drawing
X/ EXPLODE Break up an object into its individual components—i.e., a polyline into simple lines

Equivalencia de Comandos AutoCAD en Ingles a Español




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